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- Specialities+
- Anaesthesiology / एनेस्थिसियोलॉजी
- Artificial Limb Centre/ कृत्रिम अंग केंद्र
- Cardiology/कार्डियोलोजी
- Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery/ कार्डियोथॉरैसिक व वैस्क्युलर सर्जरी
- Community Health / सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य विभाग
- Critical Care/क्रिटिकल केयर
- Dental & Faciomaxillary Surgery/ दंत चिकित्सा व फ़ेसीयोमैक्सीलरी सर्जरी
- Dermatology/चर्म रोग विभाग
- Emergency Department / आपातकालीन
- Endocrinology/ एंडोक़्राईनोलोजी
- ENT & Head & Neck Surgery/ ईएनटी व हेड व नेक सर्जरी
- Family Medicine/ फैमिली मेडिसिन
- Gastroenterology/ गैस्ट्रोएंटरोलॉजी
- Internal Medicine/ इंटर्नल मेडिसिन
- Nephrology/ नेफ़्रोलोजी
- Neurology/ न्यूरोलॉजी
- Neurosurgery ( Division of Surgery )/ न्यूरोसर्जरी
- Nutrition & Dietetics / न्यूट्रिशन व डाइटेटिक्स
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology/ प्रसूति और स्त्री रोग
- Ophthalmology/नेत्र विज्ञान
- Orthopaedics/ हड्डी विभाग
- Paediatrics Surgery ( Division of Surgery )/ बाल चिकित्सा सर्जरी
- Paediatrics/ बाल चिकित्सा
- Physiotherapy / फ़िज़ीओथेरपी
- Psychiatry/ मनोचिकित्सा विज्ञान
- Radiology/रेडियोलॉजी
- Reconstructive & Cosmetic Surgery / प्लास्टिक सर्जरी
- Reproductive Medicine Unit/ रिप्रोडक्टिव मेडिसिन
- Respiratory Medicine/ रेस्पिरेटरी मेडिसिन
- Rheumatology / रूमेटोलजी
- Surgery/ शल्य चिकित्सा
- Urology/ यूरोलॉजी
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St. Stephen's Hospital has a 24 hours Casualty that offers emergency services.

Tertiary Care Hospital
Multi Speciality Care - All under one roof.

Over 600 students studying in medical, nursing and allied health disciplines.
Why Choose Us
St Stephen's Hospital is the oldest and one of the largest private Hospitals in Delhi. Established in 1885,it has a capacity of about 501 plus beds, and is a super-speciality Tertiary care Hospital offering care in all Specialities and most Super-specialities.
As our motto states "In Love Serve One Another" we at St. Stephen's Hospital strive to provide healthcare with Christ-like compassion. And in doing so, St. Stephen's Hospital has become a part of the lives of the people of Delhi.
We understand health care and the importance of ethical, scientific minded, current evidence based approach to treatment to be able to provide you with the best possible care.
The Hospital is equipped with modern Imaging modalities, Operation theatres, ICUs and Laboratories providing 24 hours emergency services.
Apart from treating patients, the Hospital is running training programmes in various Speciality and Super-speciality courses affiliated to the National Board of Examinations and recognized by the Medical Council of India.
In addition, many young aspirants are trained each year in B.Sc. Nursing, General Nursing and Midwifery and in Allied health professional Courses.The College is also running Basic post B.Sc. programme and M.Sc. Nursing degree.
Latest Events
Our Specialities

Neurosurgery ( Division of Surgery )
Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 516(General OPD on Wednesday), 401(Pvt OPD) Neurosurgery is a medical specialty that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, surgical treatment, and rehabilitation of disorders of the brain, spinal cord, p
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Nutrition & Dietetics
Reachable(10am- 1:30pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 407 Dietary department has been serving the hospital for more than 45 years. It works 24x7 round the year. The main function of the department is to provide nutritious, healthy balanced meals to the pa
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Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 461(General OPD), 401(Pvt OPD) The department of Obstetric and Gynaecology(OBGY) at St. Stephens’s Hospital was established 150 years ago and today we are a leading tertiary care centre providing compreh
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 646(General/Pvt OPD) The Ophthalmology department of St. Stephen’s Hospital is driven by the need to protect and preserve sight. We have a highly experienced team of doctors working together to provide t
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 532/594(General OPD), 401(Pvt OPD) Department of Orthopaedic surgery is a high-volume centre and provides quality treatment for wide spectrum of musculoskeletal disorders covering all age groups. Depart
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Paediatrics Surgery ( Division of Surge
Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 582(General OPD), 401(Pvt OPD) Paediatric surgery deals with surgical cases in all paediatric age group-new born, infants, young children,adolescents to young adults up to the age of 18 years. We at our
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 463(General OPD), 8639(Pvt OPD) Paediatric department at St. Stephens Hospital is committed to provide excellent health care and promoting the quality of life of all children that come to the department
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 448(dept) The Physiotherapy department of St. Stephen's Hospital is among one of the first physiotherapy departments established in Delhi and presently one of the leading rehabilitation centre providing
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 674(General OPD), 8637(Pvt OPD) The department has been running outpatient services for the last 30 years and in 2015 Inpatient department(IPD) service was added along with specialty clinics including ch
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 576(reception) Our team at St Stephen’s Hospital offers patients the highest quality diagnostic radiology services using advanced imaging equipment in safe, comfortable and modern facility. All our radi
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Reconstructive & Cosmetic Surgery
Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 480(General OPD), 401(Pvt OPD) Reconstructive surgery is the surgery done to restore function, appearance and correct deformities such as by birth defects, trauma or medical conditions including cancer.
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Reproductive Medicine Unit
Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 696(OPD) The Department of Reproductive Medicine(RM) is now in its 19th year of its foundation & 10th year of being a ‘Standalone’ department. The department is credited with treatment of numerous patien
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Respiratory Medicine
Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 582(General OPD), 401(Pvt OPD) The department of Respiratory Medicine is committed to work for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases through integration of patient care and scientific know
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27 Rheumatology is a medical super-speciality department devoted to care of patients with arthritis and autoimmune diseases. We are committed to provide timely diagnosis and optimal quality care for patients wi
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 530(General OPD), 401(Pvt OPD) The Department of Surgery at St. Stephen’s Hospital is helmed by Dr Rajeev Sharma under the guidance of the Director, Dr Sudhir C. Joseph. To ensure smooth functioning the
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 480(General OPD), 401(Pvt OPD) Urology is a branch of medicine that focuses conditions of the male and female urinary tract systems. We deal with subspecialties in urology, including Pediatric urology,Ur
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INTRODUCTION Anaesthesiology is a highly specialized field of medicine dedicated to comprehensive medical care of patient before, during and after surgery. Anaesthesiologists are physicians and experts in fields of Peri-operative medicine, Intensiv
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Artificial Limb Centre
The Artificial Limb Centre (ALC) started in 1997,25 years ago. St. Stephen’s Hospital is among the only 4 hospitals in Delhi to have their own Artificial Limb Centre, the other three being Central Govt Hospitals. We manage Prosthetics and Orthotics
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-23966021-27,Ext- 530(General OPD), 654(Pvt OPD) The department of cardiology deals with diseases of the heart and aims at the prevention, recognition, and treatment of heart disease. We aim at providing comprehensive qu
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Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery
Reachable(8:30am-4pm) at 011-23966021-27,Ext- 582(General OPD), 650(Pvt OPD) The department of Cardiothoracic & vascular surgery(CTVS) is dedicated to the surgical treatment of adult and pediatric cases of complicated heart, lung and vascular diseas
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Community Health
Introduction It was the time period after the ‘Emergency’ when the homeless and underprivileged of the society were relocated from central part of Delhi to outskirts of city. This was to take care of the health needs of the poorest of the poor, the
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Critical Care
The department of Critical Care Medicine at St. Stephen's hospital is a tertiary level advanced critical care centre that offers comprehensive,compassionate care for acutely & critically ill, emergency cases and injured patients. We are a team of ex
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Dental & Faciomaxillary Surgery
Reachable(8:30am-4pm) at 011-23966021-27,Ext- 523(General/Pvt OPD), Mobile-7291974157 Routine OT – Wednesday (Please confirm availability prior to visit for private OPD) Established in the 1980s, the department of Dental & FacioMaxillary Surgery at
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Reachable(8:30am-4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 534(General OPD),8636(Pvt OPD) हर साल स्किन OPD में 16000 से ज़्यादा मरीज़ देखे जाते हैं।हमारे यहाँ मरीज़ दाखिल करने व सर्जरी करने की नवीनतम सुविधाएँ हैं। With a footfall of 16000 plus patients in a year
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Emergency Department
We have a well equipped 24x7 manned Emergency Department catering to patients requiring immediate care like trauma cases and emergency cases from all medical and surgical specialities round the clock. The Emergency Department entry is centrally pla
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 496(General OPD), 457(Pvt OPD) We at the department of endocrinology (अंत:स्राव विद्या) are a team of highly qualified doctors dedicated to improving outcomes in diabetes, thyroid and other endocrine(hor
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ENT & Head & Neck Surgery
Reachable(8:30am to 4 pm) at 011-23966021-27,Ext- 436(General OPD), 633(Pvt OPD) The department provides advanced elective and emergency medical and surgical care to a wide variety of diseases of the Ear, Nose, Sinuses, Oral cavity, Throat and Head
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Family Medicine
Family Medicine
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Reachable(8:30am-4pm) at 011-23966021-27,Ext-461(General OPD),401(Pvt OPD),403(endoscopy) We a team of highly experienced gastroenterologist and internal medicine expert, are committed to ethical clinical practice to provide quality care for disease
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Internal Medicine
Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-23966021-27,Ext- 462(General OPD), 401(Pvt OPD) The Department of Internal Medicine is a large and well-established department in St. Stephen’s Hospital. We are well-known for our ethical, holistic and patient-centered
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 516(General OPD), 401(Pvt OPD) We at Nephrology department of St. Stephen's Hospital are dedicated to early diagnosis & early management of diseases that affect the kidney and to avoid progression of exi
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 681(General OPD), 690(Pvt OPD) We at the Neurology department of St Stephens's Hospital are a team of highly trained Doctors, technical and nursing staff to ensure quality care. We understand the urgenc
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Neurosurgery ( Division of Surgery )
Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 516(General OPD on Wednesday), 401(Pvt OPD) Neurosurgery is a medical specialty that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, surgical treatment, and rehabilitation of disorders of the brain, spinal cord, p
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Nutrition & Dietetics
Reachable(10am- 1:30pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 407 Dietary department has been serving the hospital for more than 45 years. It works 24x7 round the year. The main function of the department is to provide nutritious, healthy balanced meals to the pa
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Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 461(General OPD), 401(Pvt OPD) The department of Obstetric and Gynaecology(OBGY) at St. Stephens’s Hospital was established 150 years ago and today we are a leading tertiary care centre providing compreh
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 646(General/Pvt OPD) The Ophthalmology department of St. Stephen’s Hospital is driven by the need to protect and preserve sight. We have a highly experienced team of doctors working together to provide t
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 532/594(General OPD), 401(Pvt OPD) Department of Orthopaedic surgery is a high-volume centre and provides quality treatment for wide spectrum of musculoskeletal disorders covering all age groups. Depart
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Paediatrics Surgery ( Division of Surge
Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 582(General OPD), 401(Pvt OPD) Paediatric surgery deals with surgical cases in all paediatric age group-new born, infants, young children,adolescents to young adults up to the age of 18 years. We at our
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 463(General OPD), 8639(Pvt OPD) Paediatric department at St. Stephens Hospital is committed to provide excellent health care and promoting the quality of life of all children that come to the department
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 448(dept) The Physiotherapy department of St. Stephen's Hospital is among one of the first physiotherapy departments established in Delhi and presently one of the leading rehabilitation centre providing
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 674(General OPD), 8637(Pvt OPD) The department has been running outpatient services for the last 30 years and in 2015 Inpatient department(IPD) service was added along with specialty clinics including ch
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 576(reception) Our team at St Stephen’s Hospital offers patients the highest quality diagnostic radiology services using advanced imaging equipment in safe, comfortable and modern facility. All our radi
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Reconstructive & Cosmetic Surgery
Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 480(General OPD), 401(Pvt OPD) Reconstructive surgery is the surgery done to restore function, appearance and correct deformities such as by birth defects, trauma or medical conditions including cancer.
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Reproductive Medicine Unit
Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 696(OPD) The Department of Reproductive Medicine(RM) is now in its 19th year of its foundation & 10th year of being a ‘Standalone’ department. The department is credited with treatment of numerous patien
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Respiratory Medicine
Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 582(General OPD), 401(Pvt OPD) The department of Respiratory Medicine is committed to work for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases through integration of patient care and scientific know
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27 Rheumatology is a medical super-speciality department devoted to care of patients with arthritis and autoimmune diseases. We are committed to provide timely diagnosis and optimal quality care for patients wi
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 530(General OPD), 401(Pvt OPD) The Department of Surgery at St. Stephen’s Hospital is helmed by Dr Rajeev Sharma under the guidance of the Director, Dr Sudhir C. Joseph. To ensure smooth functioning the
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 480(General OPD), 401(Pvt OPD) Urology is a branch of medicine that focuses conditions of the male and female urinary tract systems. We deal with subspecialties in urology, including Pediatric urology,Ur
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INTRODUCTION Anaesthesiology is a highly specialized field of medicine dedicated to comprehensive medical care of patient before, during and after surgery. Anaesthesiologists are physicians and experts in fields of Peri-operative medicine, Intensiv
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Artificial Limb Centre
The Artificial Limb Centre (ALC) started in 1997,25 years ago. St. Stephen’s Hospital is among the only 4 hospitals in Delhi to have their own Artificial Limb Centre, the other three being Central Govt Hospitals. We manage Prosthetics and Orthotics
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-23966021-27,Ext- 530(General OPD), 654(Pvt OPD) The department of cardiology deals with diseases of the heart and aims at the prevention, recognition, and treatment of heart disease. We aim at providing comprehensive qu
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Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery
Reachable(8:30am-4pm) at 011-23966021-27,Ext- 582(General OPD), 650(Pvt OPD) The department of Cardiothoracic & vascular surgery(CTVS) is dedicated to the surgical treatment of adult and pediatric cases of complicated heart, lung and vascular diseas
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Community Health
Introduction It was the time period after the ‘Emergency’ when the homeless and underprivileged of the society were relocated from central part of Delhi to outskirts of city. This was to take care of the health needs of the poorest of the poor, the
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Critical Care
The department of Critical Care Medicine at St. Stephen's hospital is a tertiary level advanced critical care centre that offers comprehensive,compassionate care for acutely & critically ill, emergency cases and injured patients. We are a team of ex
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Dental & Faciomaxillary Surgery
Reachable(8:30am-4pm) at 011-23966021-27,Ext- 523(General/Pvt OPD), Mobile-7291974157 Routine OT – Wednesday (Please confirm availability prior to visit for private OPD) Established in the 1980s, the department of Dental & FacioMaxillary Surgery at
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Reachable(8:30am-4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 534(General OPD),8636(Pvt OPD) हर साल स्किन OPD में 16000 से ज़्यादा मरीज़ देखे जाते हैं।हमारे यहाँ मरीज़ दाखिल करने व सर्जरी करने की नवीनतम सुविधाएँ हैं। With a footfall of 16000 plus patients in a year
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Emergency Department
We have a well equipped 24x7 manned Emergency Department catering to patients requiring immediate care like trauma cases and emergency cases from all medical and surgical specialities round the clock. The Emergency Department entry is centrally pla
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 496(General OPD), 457(Pvt OPD) We at the department of endocrinology (अंत:स्राव विद्या) are a team of highly qualified doctors dedicated to improving outcomes in diabetes, thyroid and other endocrine(hor
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ENT & Head & Neck Surgery
Reachable(8:30am to 4 pm) at 011-23966021-27,Ext- 436(General OPD), 633(Pvt OPD) The department provides advanced elective and emergency medical and surgical care to a wide variety of diseases of the Ear, Nose, Sinuses, Oral cavity, Throat and Head
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Family Medicine
Family Medicine
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Reachable(8:30am-4pm) at 011-23966021-27,Ext-461(General OPD),401(Pvt OPD),403(endoscopy) We a team of highly experienced gastroenterologist and internal medicine expert, are committed to ethical clinical practice to provide quality care for disease
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Internal Medicine
Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-23966021-27,Ext- 462(General OPD), 401(Pvt OPD) The Department of Internal Medicine is a large and well-established department in St. Stephen’s Hospital. We are well-known for our ethical, holistic and patient-centered
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 516(General OPD), 401(Pvt OPD) We at Nephrology department of St. Stephen's Hospital are dedicated to early diagnosis & early management of diseases that affect the kidney and to avoid progression of exi
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Reachable(8:30am- 4pm) at 011-2396621-27,Ext- 681(General OPD), 690(Pvt OPD) We at the Neurology department of St Stephens's Hospital are a team of highly trained Doctors, technical and nursing staff to ensure quality care. We understand the urgenc
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What Our Patients Say
St. Stephen’s Hospital is one of those institutions where my trust and faith lies.I have been attending the OBGY Department here & I was sure in both my deliveries that I was in safe hands.I received full support of the staff (the doctors, the nurses, nursing aid) during my admission and OPD visits. It is a hospital where I know they will take care of my ailment and my emotional state and also keep in mind my finances. Thank you St Stephen’s Hospital from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful services.
Ms Priyanka Gupta
(Home maker)
मैं मोहन सिंह दिल्ली का निवासी हूँ और अपनी बुआ का इलाज मैं इस अस्पताल से करा रहा हूँ क्यूँकि इस अस्पताल की सुविधाएँ बहुत अच्छी हैं और डॉक्टर व अन्य सभी कर्मचारी काफी सहयोग करते हैं।
Mr Mohan Singh
I would truly like to appreciate the warm and friendly staff along with experienced doctors who guide very professionally and make sure to cater all queries. Would surely recommend this hospital. Thanks.
Ms Jisha
The doctors of neurology department have helped me recover from my neurological issue and now I am much better and able to carry out my daily work. I really want to thank the doctors for such treatment which has helped me recover and feel much better. Thanks.
Mr. Mohd. Irfan
(Family Business)
I came for my health check up and found the medical services provided at St Stephen’s hospital as appreciable for the hospital is patient oriented and ethical in its services.
Mr. Jag Prakash
(Retired Banker)
I am visiting the St Stephen’s hospital’s ENT & Head and Neck department since December 2021 and in my opinion the care provided here is far better and more transparent than other hospital in Delhi.
Mr Bharat
I have been coming to this hospital for all my medical needs for quite sometime and I have found the place to be well organized and the staff very caring.
Ms Hansi Sharma
(House wife)
I attended the Orthopaedic department and found the staff understanding & helpful even with huge number patients in OPD.
Mr Rahul Tiwari
(private job)
St. Stephen’s Hospital is one of those institutions where my trust and faith lies.I have been attending the OBGY Department here & I was sure in both my deliveries that I was in safe hands.I received full support of the staff (the doctors, the nurses, nursing aid) during my admission and OPD visits. It is a hospital where I know they will take care of my ailment and my emotional state and also keep in mind my finances. Thank you St Stephen’s Hospital from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful services.
Ms Priyanka Gupta
(Home maker)
मैं मोहन सिंह दिल्ली का निवासी हूँ और अपनी बुआ का इलाज मैं इस अस्पताल से करा रहा हूँ क्यूँकि इस अस्पताल की सुविधाएँ बहुत अच्छी हैं और डॉक्टर व अन्य सभी कर्मचारी काफी सहयोग करते हैं।
Mr Mohan Singh
I would truly like to appreciate the warm and friendly staff along with experienced doctors who guide very professionally and make sure to cater all queries. Would surely recommend this hospital. Thanks.
Ms Jisha
The doctors of neurology department have helped me recover from my neurological issue and now I am much better and able to carry out my daily work. I really want to thank the doctors for such treatment which has helped me recover and feel much better. Thanks.
Mr. Mohd. Irfan
(Family Business)
I came for my health check up and found the medical services provided at St Stephen’s hospital as appreciable for the hospital is patient oriented and ethical in its services.
Mr. Jag Prakash
(Retired Banker)
I am visiting the St Stephen’s hospital’s ENT & Head and Neck department since December 2021 and in my opinion the care provided here is far better and more transparent than other hospital in Delhi.
Mr Bharat
I have been coming to this hospital for all my medical needs for quite sometime and I have found the place to be well organized and the staff very caring.
Ms Hansi Sharma
(House wife)
I attended the Orthopaedic department and found the staff understanding & helpful even with huge number patients in OPD.
Mr Rahul Tiwari
(private job)
Our Team

Dr Mhonchan Kikon
Senior Consultant
Head of Department
Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery

Dr Mhonchan Kikon
Senior Consultant
Head of Department
Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery
Our Blog
Talking of Body & Mind
